19 May 2008

Overheard in a Library

I was between buses after work, so I stopped at the library and was browsing through the History shelves when I heard an almost familiar sound of a human voice in a halting manner reading something aloud. It was vaguely familiar because I often see literacy tutors working with pupils in the library, but it's never the same twice because the tutors use different texts.

At first I simply processed the sounds like more background noise, but because words are often very carefully pronounced, the meaning of the lesson soon impressed itself on me. The pupil read aloud about an evil scientist creating a race of devils, the white man, who lived in caves and walked on all fours, but were given rule over the earth to commit great crimes for a period of years. His tutor was indoctrinating him with the mythology of the Nation of Islam.

I paused in between shelves and listened. Part of me wanted to walk to the table and tear the sheet of paper from the pupil's hand and tell the tutor how rotten it was to fill the kid's mind with that garbage, but the stronger part of me didn't want to create a scene. That part acknowledged that, while the library is a public place, these literacy lessons were really private transactions between tutors and pupils. What the tutor used to get the kid to read was none of my business -- or was it? That couldn't be entirely true, or else I wouldn't be writing about it now. It's obviously my opinion that teaching Nation mythology does no one any good; if someone needs to believe something like that in order to feel pride about himself, we ought to question the value of pride. But was it my business -- let's leave out the commercial metaphor and ask -- was it my duty to speak out against the indoctrination? Was the right question whether I had the right, or whether I have an obligation to stop the spread of bad ideas? Why not question my own motives? I've heard tutors teaching standard Christianity and Jehovah's Witness doctrine in the library, and I didn't feel the urge to intervene that I felt tonight. Did I object to foolish doctrines or only to someone stirring up the black man? But I was no less certain that Nation teachings were objectively bad, so could I speak out against them if I dared if I wasn't equally willing to challenge any teaching I considered wrong?

Let's face it: my biggest fear was getting into an argument with a black man and getting thrown out of the library. I'm not proud of that, but I honestly don't know if there was a correct course to pursue apart from using my private piece of public space right here to express my views. My gut feeling, with a little bit of brain feeling behind it, is that there are plenty of necessary debates that don't happen because we're reluctant to get into each other's faces and we're not supposed to impose our opinions on each other. But if we are political animals, than we can't help imposing opinions on each other, and probably ought to be doing more in that line. It's bound to be messy and scary and actually dangerous sometimes, but we probably ought to reach out more often and slap some sense into each other -- metaphorically, most of the time. Whether it's worth getting thrown out of a library to stall the poisoning of one mind is a fair question, but it shouldn't be the only question we ask.


Anonymous said...

The only way to put an end to the superstitious rule of religion is to face it and to challenge it whereever the ignorance exists. Most of the regular "christians" that wander the downtown area now know not to come up to me because I will tell them to their face that their religion is a lie, that they cannot prove any of it is factual. If more people would stop being so damned afraid of confrontation, this could be done with post haste.

Samuel Wilson said...

Now that you mention it, proselytizers of the type you describe are by definition more confrontational than those they confront. No one seems shocked, though they may be annoyed, when someone walks up to them and asks if they know whether they're going to heaven, but what would happen if someone started approaching random people and asking if they knew that God was a lie? We tolerate the one because we believe in freedom of religion, but shouldn't there be an equal right to spread the bad news about religion?

Out of curiosity, crhymethinc: what would you have done in the library, when it wouldn't have been you, but a third party being proselytized in the guise of learning to read? Should an atheist feel free to confront the Nation tutor, or does the context of the literacy lesson make the affair none of your business?

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that if "hate speech" and "racism" are illegal, then the Nation of Islam ought to be legally curtailed. Had it been me, I don't know what I would have done. Frankly, it depends on my mood. If I was feeling a bit feisty, I would have told the "tutor" that his "history" was out and out bullshit. That his religion, like all others, is an outright lie. And that he should be ashamed of himself for spreading hate and deceit to the ignorant. Otherwise, I probably would have just walked past and mumbled something derogatory about Elijah Mohammed.

Anonymous said...