03 January 2008

The Iowa Harvest

The only definite conclusions to be drawn from the Iowa caucus results are that Joe Biden, Chris Dodd, Duncan Hunter, Dennis Kucinich and Bill Richardson are no longer viable candidates. The Democrats have a three-person race, while the Republicans still have five to choose from. Iowa has crowned no one as a presumptive nominee, but it has done its part in the process of elimination. Anyone who thinks that Obama or Huckabee has clinched a nomination tonight is foolish. Anyone who thinks that Romney, Clinton or any of the other survivors are mortally wounded is jumping to conclusions. Recently history tells us that it's simply too soon to tell how the party campaigns will end. We've probably learned more in the run-up to the caucuses than in the immediate event, just as we'll learn more in the days between now and when New Hampshire votes than on the night of the primary. This isn't much to say, but then again, I don't have to fill air time on a 24-hour news channel. If you're still watching one of those as I write, you're probably wasting your time, unless you're storing up sound bites to make the anchormen and analysts look like fools in the future.

1 comment:

hobbyfan said...

Ya gotta love how the NY Daily News reported Obama winning on the Democratic side, making it seem as if Swillary was SO sure she'd roll through every stop on the trail. Right, if she could hire Bill Belichick's strategists. The public is tired of Carpetbagger Swillary, and willing to vote for anyone other than her. Swillary's best chance might be in the southwest, especially her former home state of Arkansas. Other than that, well, 16 years in the public eye is catching up with her.