01 January 2008

A Bit of a Buzzkill

Item: Nothing quite says, "Happy New Year" like a tax form, don't you think? That's what I found waiting in my mailbox yesterday. You'd think they'd wait until Wednesday at least. At least then I could see the thing and say, "Yes, the holidays are definitely over."

Mind you, I'm not objecting to taxes or my having to pay them. I'm a grown-up and a citizen, after all. All I'm saying is that the timing does something to my mood. But to be honest, it's easy to change the mood back. In my case, the solution is to throw the form on a bookcase and forget about it for a few months.

1 comment:

hobbyfan said...

You got a tax booklet already? They'll hit the post office boxes first, then the general mail before the end of the week. They definitely want to make sure you file well before 4/15.