31 August 2016

'Who is Responcseible For the State of the World???'

Early this week you could find copies of the following blowing down State Street in Albany, near the New York state capitol:

Is it unfair of me to lament that the author put so much time into the layout of this two-page broadside but couldn't bother checking the spelling of certain words? Does that make me something like a "grammar Nazi" or an "elitist?" Let's not bother nitpicking, then, and instead take this all in as almost a textbook example of uninhibited, uncritical, indiscriminate autodidacticism with all its inevitable contradictions, a mystery-meat sandwich of sensible observations interlarded with lunacy, and almost antique in its failure to integrate Islam into its historical demonology. Apart from a reference to the overthrows of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Khadafy, you probably could have found the same text blowing around twenty or thirty years ago, if not further back still. That antiquarian flavor probably shouldn't surprise us, since this is the typical product of someone whose thinking struggles to keep up with rapidly changing times. This is how some people cope with a society of increasing complexity -- while some seek shelter with the simplicities of Donald Trump -- in the hope that society can be made less oppressively complex by simultaneously summoning into being a power capable of nationalizing economic resources (including corporations) and demanding a democratic decentralization resulting in "local community rule." Some will dismiss a document like this the moment they see the name Adam Weishaupt, or the moment the author blames the state of the world first on the Roman Empire, this being the "Age of Pisces," and later on "Political Zionism, which are Satanic fake Jews, not the Semitic Hebrews of the Torah." But artifacts like this are worth studying, somewhat, as symptoms of a sociocultural disease rather than as quack remedies. It's easy to insinuate that something's wrong with the author, but isn't it possible that something's also wrong with a society or culture that produces such things?


Anonymous said...

The problem started when we stopped putting people like this in an asylum.

hobbyfan said...

I'd dismiss the author of this particular tome as being just another grandstander looking for 15 minutes of fame, except for the fact that, based on what you describe, Sam, that these fliers, like so many others, are distributed anonymously without regard to common sense, like the geek that was posting advertising and a screed in support of Alex Jones' lame conspiracy theories.

Funny thing. None of these fliers turned up on my side of the river.......

Anonymous said...

Look at how the thing is put together. This is the work of a person who believes they are an artist though without any training in the field. There is no real order to it. It's a complete hodgepodge of text - flowing in different directions. In order to read it, you have to keep turning it. A bunch of unrelated thoughts jotted down at random and dished up in a mess. The creator of this is not what we'd call "normal". Having not read it, but judging from the graphics, I'd guess the person is a conspiracy lunatic who is probably claiming the Illuminati, if not shape-changing reptilians from Nibiru are behind it all.

hobbyfan said...

Just cut it down to an obsessed conspiracy theorist, and you've got the whole picture. Probably composed the flier on a computer via cut & paste.