02 October 2007

A Friend of Blackwater.

I'm just going to point you to my diary entry for today on DailyKos. It's my response to an obnoxious column that ran today in one of my local papers. It's content in praise of Blackwater is bad enough, but when I delved further into Douglas MacKinnon's scarily speculative fiction, it made his column even more disturbing. People should also read the October 1 memorandum from Rep. Waxman's committee. Someone really needs to put an end to Dick Cheney's long-term project of privatizing as many aspects of the military as possible. This dates back to his Secretary of Defense days under Bush I, when in other respects he was still relatively sane, and accelerated as Halliburton cut deals with Bill Clinton and surged after September 11. Blackwater is probably only the tip of the BlackIceburg, and the Ship of State is going full steam ahead into the night.

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